Компресор гвинтовий APS 20 Combi Dry X 10 бар 20 к.с./15 кВт 1870 л/хв 500 л

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SKU 369020

The Airpress APS20 Combidry X is driven directly from the engine and therefore has a fixed speed. The compressor has a 500 liter boiler and a cooling dryer. With its yield of 1870 liters per minute you can use the compressor during a large number of activities.

The APS 20 Combidry X can be purchased in our webshop, but if you would like advice or a suitable offer for a complete industrial installation, you can also contact our expert, Robin Snoek, +31 6 225 20 580 and / or

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Дані продукту

SKU 369020
EAN 13 8712418372281
Довжина 1850
Ширина (мм) 820
Висота (мм) 1880
Вага (кг) 530,00
Відсоткове співвідношення між роботою та відпочинком на одну робочу годину 100/0
Потужність двигуна (к.с./кВт) 20,0 к.с. / 15,0 кВт
Клас енергоспоживання двигуна IE3
Тип двигуна AC
Привід Прямий привід 1:1
Панель керування MAM-860
Доступна мова Англійська , Голландська, Польська
Осушувач Так
Напруга осушувача (В) 230
Бак для стисненого повітря Так
Об'єм повітряного бака (л) 500
Оцинкований бак Ні
Максимальний тиск (бар) 10
Тиск увімкнення (бар) 6
Продуктивність (л/хв) 1870
Продуктивність (м3/год) 112.2
Рівень гучності дБ(А) 63
Рівень гучності дБ(А) (4 м) 43
Тип штекера EU
Головне підключення повітря (") 3/4
Мінімальна температура навколишнього середовища (°C) 10
Максимальна температура навколишнього середовища (°C) 45
Безмасляний Ні
Кількість ступенів стиснення 1
Запуск Y-∆
Напруга (V) 400 V / 50 Hz / 3 Ph
Змінна швидкість (IVR) Ні

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Опис продукту

The APS 20 Combidry X is a 15kW direct-driven screw compressor with a fixed speed. Due to the compact design, this machine takes up little space and can therefore stand in places where there is little space. The compressor has a yield of 1870 liters per minute, with a 500 liter compressed air boiler and a cooling dryer. The direct coupling of the electric motor with the screw block results in fewer losses than with a belt-driven screw compressor. A large screw block ensures a high airflow at a low speed, so continuous loading is no problem at all. The most important parameters can be read and adjusted on the display of the controller. A large horizontally placed oil cooler with temperature-controlled fan ensures excellent cooling. The machine has been carefully designed so that fewer parts are maintenance-sensitive. The service interval of 3,000 hours also ensures lower maintenance costs. This compressor can be used at large garage companies, damage repairers but also when controlling sorting machines in the horticultural sector.

X series Screw compressors

By continuously investing in the development of our products, the Airpress Group presents a new series of screw compressors. The screw compressors are available from 5.5 kW to 37 kW. The APS X series is available in two versions: controlled at a fixed speed or speed. Machines of 15 kW are also available with a two-stage screw block. These versions have an increased performance with the same power consumption as a single-stage version. Depending on demand, these machines are available as a separate unit, mounted on a tank or mounted on a tank and equipped with a compressed air dryer. Compressors of the X series are characterized by a new generation of screw blocks. The direct drive avoids losses due to the transmission. Reliable and efficient, easy-to-use screw compressors ensure trouble-free operation at minimal costs. Equipped with a modern control panel, you can constantly monitor the screw compressor and change parameters if necessary. With Smartcontrol


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